Pressure Vessel Drawing Specification

KZR-DWG-01 Rev. 01 31.08.2024 PDF


Kezar Engineering is an engineering company that operates globally and haves its headquarter in Brazil. We aren’t equipment manufacturer and the list of services provided by us can be found in our website Our standards are public available and were created to be used by us but it’s made available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

1. Lines

This application support the following types of pressure vessel shell and head:

Table 1.1 - Types of Lines
Image Code Type Thickness Description
AM_0 Continuous 0.50 mm Continuous Line
AM_3 AM_ISO02W050 0.15 mm Hidden Line
AM_11 AM_ISO09W050 0.15 mm Phantom Line

2. Balloons

torispherical-head-wolfram Fig. 2.1 - Ballon

3. View Title

4. Bill of Materials

torispherical-head-wolfram Fig. X.X - Drawing logo when printed black & white (top) and colored (bottom)
torispherical-head-wolfram Fig. X.X - Drawing logo when printed black & white (top) and colored (bottom)
torispherical-head-wolfram Fig. X.X - Drawing logo when printed black & white (top) and colored (bottom)

6. Languages

The official language for all documents generated by Kezar Engineering is English but, there are cases in which a second language must be add. This requirement must come from Customer and must be in the technical proposal.

Designer and/or Translator should use the translated terms specified in the specification KZR-LANG-01 whenever possible.