Modules → Opening Reinforcement Design

Opening Reinforcement Design

1. Types

2. Drawing

Fig. 2.1. - Drawing

The drawings for the head and shell types are generate dynamically and updated every time the USER change a dimension. After the button Run is clicked, the Results page will be shown and the drawing can no longer be changed (unless the user click in the Back button).

3. Units

For now (version 1.0.0), only International Unit System[ 2 ] or just SI Units is accepted, but we're working to implement the Imperial Unit System[ 3 ] in the following versions, as it's still used by many countries (specially USA) and companies.

4. Fields

4.1. Module

The module tab have two versions: one for a new part (see Fig. 4.1.1) and one for an existing part (see Fig. 4.1.2). The difference is that when a part is saved, an unique identifier (ID) will be generated for it and it can be linked to other parts and equipment. The ID is shown above the Module tab (see Fig. 4.1.3) and there's a button to Project Management module beside it.

Fig. 4.1.1. - Module Tab for a new Part
Fig. 4.1.2. - Module Tab for an existing Part
Fig. 4.1.3. - Unique Identifier (ID) for existing part
<none>Description<none>SelectShort description of the part. For example: if designing a Bolted Flange to be connected at the upper part of the vessel, you can simply call if Upper Flange, if there's other flanges in there, you can be even more specific, calling if Upper Left Flange or Upper Gas Flange. Just remember that you'll use the description to identify the part (you can also use its id, but it's usually difficult to remember)
<none>System of Units<none>SelectUnit system that will define the units used in all the variables in the calculation. The most known types are Imperial System and International System. Unfortunately we still don't support changing units and the International System will be used as a default.
<none>Decimal Places<none>SelectNumber of decimal places to be used in the calculations and results. User can choose between 1 to 4 decimal places (also known as precision).

4.2. Process

In order to avoid errors and/or mistakes, we decided that the USER won't be able to specify the dimensions and process data of the Nozzle and Shell in this Module. It's required to load an existing part (see Section 4.3.1. and 4.3.2.) to use it. After the USER specify which nozzle and shell part will be used, the process data will be loaded in the process tab (Fig. 4.2.1.).

If process data from shell and nozzle are different, a warning message will be shown in the tab. Such inconsistency must be fixed before proceeding with the calculation.

Fig. 4.2.1. - Process Tab
TdDesign Internal Temperature°C, °FFieldMaximum expected internal temperature in the vessel in normal operation. See UG-20 for more information.
PdDesign Internal PressureMPa, PSiFieldMaximum expected internal pressure in the vessel in normal operation. See UG-21 for more information.
TdeDesign External Temperature°C, °FFieldMaximum expected external temperature in the vessel in normal operation.
PdeDesign External PressureMPa, PSiFieldMaximum expected external pressure in the vessel in normal operation.

4.3. Dimensions

4.3.1. Shell

Fig. 4.2.1. - Process Tab
DpReinforcement Diametermm, in
teReinforcement Thicknessmm, in
tShell Thicknessmm, in
OdNozzle Outside Diametermm, in
tnNozzle Wall Thicknessmm, in
hNozzle Inside Lengthmm, in

4.3.2. Nozzle

Fig. 4.2.1. - Process Tab
DpReinforcement Diametermm, in
teReinforcement Thicknessmm, in
tShell Thicknessmm, in
OdNozzle Outside Diametermm, in
tnNozzle Wall Thicknessmm, in
hNozzle Inside Lengthmm, in

4.3.3. Reinforcement

Fig. 4.2.1. - Process Tab
DpReinforcement Diametermm, in
teReinforcement Thicknessmm, in
tShell Thicknessmm, in
OdNozzle Outside Diametermm, in
tnNozzle Wall Thicknessmm, in
hNozzle Inside Lengthmm, in

4.4. Material

Opening Reinforcement module have three material tab, one for each part: Shell, Nozzle and Reinforcement. All material tab have the same fields so the description in this section will apply for them all.

To select material click in the white box icon beside the Material Name field, a modal window (see Fig. 4.4.2.) will appear with a list of available materials. Click in the material name to select it. You can use the search field to speed the process. It'll filter all columns.

Fig. 4.4.1. - Material Tab
Fig. 4.4.2. - Material List Modal
<none>Is the Material Normalized?<none>Checkboxxxx
<none>Use your own values?<none>Checkboxxxx
<none>Material Name<none>Selectxxx
SuTensile Strength at Design TemperatureMPa, psiFieldxxx
SyYield Strength at Design TemperatureMPa, psiFieldxxx
EmdElastic Modulus at Design TemperatureGPa, kpsiFieldxxx
SAllowable Stress at Design TemperatureMPa, psiFieldxxx
SaAllowable Stress at Ambient TemperatureMPa, psiFieldxxx
mdMaterial Densitykg/m^3, lbf/in^3Fieldxxx
<none>Group Number<none>Fieldxxx
<none>P-Number Thicknessmm, inFieldxxx
<none>External Pressure Chart<none>Fieldxxx
<none>UCS-66 Curve<none>Fieldxxx

4.5. Settings

<none>Disable sharing of this Module?<none>

5. Messages

The Module will show messages in the results pages when needed.

5.1. Warnings

5.2. Info

6. Sharing

The sharing option is something that we thought would be useful because engineers works as a team and usually share their projects with another engineers or customers, either to review or for approval.

Nowadays working side by side (physically) with other engineers is becoming something from the past. Hybrid and Remote position are becoming common in many companies. So no more printing the project and let in the co-work table to be checked. You either send the PDF (or software file) by e-mail or save it in the company drive.

Our approach is a little bit better. We let the USER choose which USERs can access the project, equipment and part and what kind of permission they will have. You can let some USERs change anything in a Part or let they only see it (input and output).

To share a project, equipment or part you must be its owner. You can be the owner by either creating the project, equipment or part or if the current owner delegates it to you. Also the option Disable sharing of this Part? in the Settings tab must be set to No (see Fig. 4.5.1), in case of Part and if it's a Project or Equipment, the sharing button in the PJM module must be set to enable (see more about it in the Project Management documentation).

Currently there are two types of sharing status:

  1. Full Access: this type of access let the USER make changes to the Project, Equipment and Part but can't delete it (only its owner can do that)
  2. View Access: USER with this type of access can't make changes, can only see the input and output data.

7. Limitations

The version 1.0.0 comes with some limitations which are listed below:

  • This version can't be used to calculate the following situations:
    1. Shell under External Pressure (UG-28);
    2. Stiffening Rings (UG-29);
    3. Head with Pressure on Convex Side (UG-33);
    4. Spherical Shell (UG-27(d));
    5. Negative temperatures.

8. Results

8.1. Summary

The Summary (see Fig. 9.1.1.) shows the most important information from the results. It also shows if there's some error in the calculation (it'll be shown in red).

In the future version we'll let the User select which information want to see in it.

Fig. 9.1.1. - Summary

8.2. Input

The Input tab (see Fig. 9.2.1.) in the results page shows all the information from the input page. It can be used to check all the data inserted by the User and by our system. The input will also be shown in the Calculation Report (DOCX).

Fig. 9.2.1. - Input List

8.3. Output

Fig. 8.3.1. - Output List

8.4. Bottom Menu

At the bottom of the page you'll find three buttons (see Fig. 8.4.1.):

  • Back: will bring the USER back to the Input page
  • Save: will save the Part and the USER will be able to access it using the direct link shown in the browser or through the Project Management module
  • Report: will generate and download the Calculation Report
Fig. 8.4.1. - Output buttons

8.5. Summary

To help USER easily check the equations and input data we created a summary which is show at the right side of the page (see Fig. 8.5.1.). It's composed by hyperlinks and if clicked the part where the item is located will be show. The list is divided in Input and Output to facilitate the identification.

Fig. 8.5.1. - Output buttons

9. Testing

If you access the Shell & Head Design module without being logged, you'll see a warning message as shown in the Fig. 10.1. stating that you're entering into a testing environment, which basically means that you'll not be able to use it in a real case, as some features are disabled and the data range that can be use is limited.

Fig. 10.1. - Testing Environment Warning

If you need to use the it beyond its testing limitation, contact us through Contact page and we'll see what can we do for you. We could, for example, give you a 1 day free trial or a guided testing with us.

9.1. Limitations

There are two types of limitation in the Testing Environment: features disabled and data range restriction.

9.1.1. Features Disabled


9.1.2. Data Range Restriction


9.2. Access Protection

The public API used in the testing environment is different from the API used in the production environment. So, even if someone tries to direct access the API with values outside the data range, the API will return an error.

10. Linking Parts

The calculation modules that we've in the ΣCalc or, more specifically, in the MarsCalc package, works independently from each other. It means that, if you are designing a spherical head to be attached in a conical shell, one part will not "know" about the other. The only exception are the modules that require the USER to load data from other modules. It's the case for Opening Reinforcement Design (ORD) and Saddle Support Design (SSD).

To let the USER specify which parts are connected, we created the reference list. Let say, for example, that you have a torispherical head connected to a cylindrical shell. If you go to the Equipment tab in the Project Management module you'll see that the equipment have many parts, including the head and shell specified above but, you can't know how they are connected. If you add the cylindrical shell as a reference to the torispherical head, you'll know that it's connected.

The problem now is: what if the cylindrical shell have two heads, how can you know which one is in the top and which is in the bottom? Unfortunately we don't have a way to specify that, we're planning to let USER to assembly the pressure vessel just like PVElite does (using 2D drawings and nodes to connect the parts) but it isn't our top priority (it is listed in the Pool of Ideas with the ID # 9FF565B5)

Okay, lets go to the how to part. To add a part as a reference, first make sure that both parts are saved (exist and have and ID), then click in the Add part as a Reference (see Fig. 4.1.2) button. A modal (see Fig. 10.1) will be shown with the list of all parts created by the USER. If there are too many parts and you already know the ID of the part that you which to add, just type it in the search field to filter the list. To finish, just click in the part that you want to add and the modal will close and it'll appear in the Parts Linked to this Part table in the Module tab.

Fig. 10.1. - Reference Modal

One important thing that you must understand: linked parts have no effect in the calculation. It serves only as a reference. So if you add a stainless steel part to a carbon steel, the application won't show any warning.

11. Calculation Report

Calculation report can be generated and downloaded by clicking on the Report button located in the bottom menu, which is only visible in the results page. The file name will be the part ID.

Fig. 11.1. shows the information contained in the first page of the report. Company name and logo can be set in the Dashboard. All the other information are automatically generated.

conical-head-doc Fig. 11.1. - Calculation Report second page

The second page will show the part description (information given by the USER in the Module tab), part id (automatically generated), drawing (same as shown in the input page), input and output (equations).

conical-head-doc Fig. 11.2. - Calculation Report first page

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