Material Name (Click to sort ascending) | Listing (Click to sort ascending) | Nominal Composition (Click to sort ascending) | Product Form (Click to sort ascending) | Class / Thickness (Click to sort ascending) | UNS Number (Click to sort ascending) | P Number Thickness (Click to sort ascending) | P Number (Click to sort ascending) | Group Number (Click to sort ascending) | Minimum Tensile Stress (Click to sort ascending) | Minimum Yield Stress (Click to sort ascending) | External Pressure Curve (Click to sort ascending) | Elastic Modulus Id (Click to sort ascending) | Thermal Expansion Coefficient Id (Click to sort ascending) | Material Density (Click to sort ascending) | MDMT Curve 1 (Click to sort ascending) | MDMT Curve 2 (Click to sort ascending) | Flange Group (Click to sort ascending) | Maximum Temperature (Click to sort ascending) | Creep Temperature (Click to sort ascending) | Notes (Click to sort ascending) |